Hindi Sign On US Navy Building
There is an old Hindi sign when you look at Google Maps...
Especially in US Navy's Amphibious Construction Battalion ONE (ACB-1) at 2524 Eniwetok Road, Coronad, CA...
There was a slight conflict in the Europe in the first half of the last century, which made this sign quite a no-no in western countries... Funny they still built it...
Especially in US Navy's Amphibious Construction Battalion ONE (ACB-1) at 2524 Eniwetok Road, Coronad, CA...
There was a slight conflict in the Europe in the first half of the last century, which made this sign quite a no-no in western countries... Funny they still built it...
hahaha.. OMG! Where do you find all this??
There was a article about that building in the Swedish newspapers, that they are trying to find a solution for the building which includes planting trees that will hide the view from above! Apparently the costs are going up to 600.000 dollar to fix the solution LOL!
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